![]() ![]() Neuere Publikationen(recent publications)Härtel , H.(1994)COLOS: Conceptual Learning Of ScienceIn: de Jong T. Sarti L. (ed): Design and Production of Multimedia and Simulation-based Learning Material. Kluwer Academic Publishers, 189-217 Härtel H., Martin E., Chicon R.(1995)Visualization of retardation effectsIEEE AP-S/URSI Int. Symp., Newport Beach (CA), 1995 Digest Volume One, 468-471 Härtel H. Martin E., Zamarro J. M.(1995)Transmission processes in time domain.IEEE AP-S/URSI Int. Symp., Newport Beach (CA), 1995 Digest Volume One, 492-495 Härtel H. (1995)Transmission in Linear SystemsIEEE AP-S/URSI Int. Symp., Newport Beach (CA), 1995 Digest Volume One, 484-487 Härtel H., Lüdke M. (1996)A Computer Supported Course in Mechanics (Based on the simulation program xyZET and hypertext).In: Computer Aided Learning and Instruction in Science and Engineering. Proceedings of CALISCE'96. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1108, 381 - 389. Esquembre E., Haertel H., Martín E., Zamarro J.-M. (1996)Introduction to Thermodynamics based on Simulations and Hypertext.In: Computer Aided Learning and Instruction in Science and Engineering. Proceedings of CALISCE'96. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1108, 374 - 380. Jong de, T., Härtel H., Swaak J., Jolingen van, Wouter (1996)Support for Simulation-based Learning. The effect of Assignments in Learning about Transmission Lines.In: Computer Aided Learning and Instruction in Science and Engineering. Proceedings of CALISCE'96. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1108, 9 - 26. Härtel H. (1996)New Teachware Design (Based on Simulations and Hypertext)Proceedings of "Euro-Education'96", Aalborg, p 89 - 95 Härtel H. (1996)Efficiency of Computer Supported Learning Material (by integrating simulations and hypertext)Proceedings of "Frontiers of Education - FIE 96", Salt Lake City Härtel H. (1997)Suchen im InternetComputer+Unterricht 25/97, S. 48 Härtel H. (1997)Üben im Internet, Integration von Hypertext und SimulationComputer+Unterricht 25/97, S. 49 Härtel H., Lüdke M. (1997)Integration von Hypertext und Simulation. Computerunterstützte Lernmaterialien zur MechanikComputer und Unterricht H26, 1997. S. 55-56. Härtel H., Lüdke M. 1997Integration von Simulation und Hypertext.Design von Lernmaterial im Internet-FormatDokumentation des 3. BIBB-Fachkongresses 1996: Berufliche Bildung - Kontinuität und Innovation, Bertelsmann Bielefeld, S. 659 - 668 Härtel, H., Lüdke, M. (1999)xyZET - Ein Simulationsprogramm für den Physikunterricht.Zeitschrift für Didaktik der Naturwissenschaften 3. S. 57 - 73. Härtel, H. (2000)xyZET: A Simulation Program for Physics TeachingJournal of Science Education and Technology, 9, 3, 275-286 Härtel, H., Lüdke, M. (2000)3D Simulations of interacting particlesComputing in Science & Engineering, 4, 87-90 H. Härtel, (2000)The Falling Stick with a > gThe Physics teacher, 38/1, 54-55 H. Härtel, (2000)Die Entstehung der Gezeiten. Simulation eines Erde/Mond-SystemsPhysik in der Schule, 1, 18-21 H. Härtel, (2000)Physik dreidimensionalMagazin, Klett, 14, II, 9-11 H. Härtel, (2000)Alle Körper fallen gleich schnell. Aber warum fallen einige schneller?Praxis der Naturwissenschaften Physik, 8/49, 37-39 Härtel, H. (2000)THE ROLE OF MATHEMATICS FOR PHYSICS TEACHING IN THE AGE OF COMPUTERS .Paper presented at the International Conference "Physics Teacher Education beyond 2000 - PHYTEB" , Barcelona, August 28 to 30 Härtel, H. (2000)FROM SIMPLE TO COMPLEX - BUT WHAT IS SIMPLE AND FOR WHOM?Paper presented at the International Conference "Physics Teacher Education beyond 2000 - PHYTEB" , Barcelona, August 28 to 30 Härtel, H., Martin E. (2000)The vibrating-membrane problem - based on basic principles and simulations.Paper presented at the International Conference "Physics Teacher Education beyond 2000 - PHYTEB" , Barcelona, August 28 to 30 Härtel, H. 1987/2005CONSTANT ELECTRIC CURRENT AND THE DISTRIBUTION OF SURFACE CHARGESThis is a revised part of a full paper, published under the title "A Qualitative Approach to Electricity" at: Institute for Research on Learning, Report No. IRL87-000; 1987 Härtel, H. 1985/2005THE ELECTRIC VOLTAGEWhat do students understand? What can be done for better understanding?A revised version, originally published in: Duit, R. (ed.); Jung, W. (ed.): Rhöneck, C. von (ed.): Aspects of Understanding Electricity. Proceedings of an International Workshop. IPN-Arbeitsberichte 59. Kiel: IPN, 353-362, (1985)
Härtel, H. 1982/2012"Der elektrische Stromkreis als System"Leicht gekürzte Fassung der 1981 erschienenen IPN-Unterrichtseinheit 7.1) letzte Aktualisierung: September 2012 |